Aftercare- Dental Surgical Procedure

Aftercare Directions


  • If profuse bleeding continues after 3-4 hours of applied pressure
  • If you are unable to maintain a nutritious diet after 48 hours.
  • If the pain and/or swelling increases after the third day.
  • If an oral bandage becomes dislodged prior to the third day.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to medications such as:
    1. skin rash
    2. hives
    3. elevated temperature
    4. increased and/or erratic heart rate
    5. nausea/vomiting
    6. dizziness/fainting
    7. blurred vision


DO NOT rinse for at least 24 hours after the surgery
DO NOT exercise or do heavy lifting for 3-5 days after the surgery
DO NOT smoke for 72 hours


BLEEDING: To slow or prevent bleeding, bite with light pressure on the gauze pack that has been placed over the surgical area. Pressure should be applied in 20-30 minute intervals and repeated until the bleeding is brought under control. If bleeding persists without slowing for several hours apply a gauze soaked in strong tea and repeat the above steps until the bleeding stops. Exercising and heavy lifting will raise your blood pressure and will dislodge the blood clot and bleeding will resume. Avoid exercising for 3-5 days following the surgery.

SWELLING: To prevent and/or minimize swelling apply ice packs at 10-minute intervals to the surgical area. After 72 hours, apply warm compresses to the area to relieve swelling. Swelling is a natural part of the healing process and can be expected for 3 days to several weeks depending on the nature and the extent of the surgery.

DISCOMFORT: Following most surgical procedures there may or may not be pain, depending on your threshold for pain. You will be provided with medication for discomfort that is appropriate for you. In most cases, a non-narcotic pain regimen will be given consisting of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Advil). These two medications, taken together, will be as effective as a narcotic without any of the side affects associated with narcotics. If a narcotic has been prescribed, follow the directions carefully. If you have any questions about these medications interacting with other medications you are presently taking, please call our office first, your physician and/or pharmacist.


Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours.

For the first week after surgery, do not brush the surgical site of the adjacent teeth, instead rinse with Peridex (chlorhexidine) between meals, and before bedtime and after waking. Keep the rest of the mouth plaque free with regular brushing and flossing.

One week after surgery, use the extra soft toothbrush on the teeth around the surgical site. Clean the “healing abutment” – (shiny metal button) – with a Q-tip soaked in “Peridex”, (the prescribed oral rinse), twice daily as shown. A full mouth rinse is no longer necessary.

Do not chew or put any pressure on the abutment until the final restoration is placed, usually 5-7 months after implant surgery. A very soft diet is required if implants have been placed on both the left and right side of your mouth. This is especially important if you wear a denture.

Two weeks following surgery transition back to regular brushing and flossing the teeth adjacent to the healing abutment.

Continue cleaning the abutment using a Q-tip soaked in Peridex twice a day, every day until your dentist has placed the final restoration on the implant.

You will be scheduled for periodic checks during the “healing phase”, (usually at 1 week and 4 weeks post surgery), to insure proper healing.

For optimal results we recommend frequent professional cleanings, every 3 months with your dental hygienist during the healing phase and for at least one year after the final restoration has been completed.

Close monitoring of your implant by our office, as well as your meticulous daily hygiene, will give you the best possible result.

Notify our office ASAP if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Severe pain
  • Severe swelling
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • A foul taste
  • A loosening of the fixture


  • Take all regular or prescribed medications as outlined by Physician or Dentist.
  • NO alcohol for 12 hours after appointment.
  • NO driving for 12 hours after appointment.
  • Do not operate machinery for 12 hours post-appointment.
  • Must have a responsible companion drive patient home and observe recovery.
  • Patient is to drink 3-4, 8oz glasses of water during the first 6 hours after appointment.


Please follow these instructions as closely as possible. They are designed to help you heal quickly and comfortably with minimal side effects. If you experience any complications from the procedure, please call our office. We have a 24 hour answering service that can always reach Dr. Teich and he will return your call as soon as possible.

  • Remain as quiet as possible the day of surgery. No strenuous exercise, heavy lifting or aerobic activity for the first 48 hours.
  • Apply an ice bag to the treated side of the face for the first day only, for 15 minute intervals.
  • If a protective pack has been placed, be careful not to dislodge it. Packing may be removed after four days if it becomes loose or bothersome.
  • Use Chlorhexidine rinse -1/3 capful 2 times a day; beginning the 3rd evening following your surgery if indicated by the doctor, gentle swishing for 15-20 seconds then spit out.
  • Brush and clean the areas NOT involved with treatment as usual.
  • DO NOT BE ALARMED if there is a little bleeding the first or second day. If bleeding persists, apply firm pressure with damp gauze or a tea bag for 30 minutes. If uncontrollable bleeding persists, notify our office.
  • Over the counter pain relievers are usually sufficient to deal with any discomfort. If you were prescribed a pain medication DO NOT take Tylenol along with your prescription. If you have been given antibiotics you must take them exactly as directed.
  • If you had a tissue graft placed you may notice a whitish layer of skin over the graft site. Do not be alarmed as this is a normal stage of healing
  • Any increase in pain, swelling, redness or heat should be reported to our office